What is wrong with you and why are you not smiling.

Oh boy oh boy. This for me falls into one of those things that you do not say to people who you would call mentally unstable. I was having a chat with some people on a facebook group and we all said the same thing. We have the following thing in common and we call it.

resting bitch face

Its not that we dont want to talk to anyone hell if you feel you can make us laugh please do approach us we do not bite much. Also we can just play this off as “ah well I hate everyone equally”

Now I am probably being pedantic here but when your life kind of revolves around the RBF and being obese well that just gives people more the reason to ask the question I lead off with.

I choose to rock the resting bitch face, I bring this up as I walked past a pub the other day and all I got is “Oh why wont she smile the world must be so grim” I unfortnatly heard this and replied with a resounding

Image result for fuck you image
Fuck you

I would rather be miserable than someone who would have to lean on a beer crutch and hoping someone who is miserable walks past like myself looking miserable. I am what I would rather be book smart than someone who paints a face on and just gets on with it.

That being said we all have moments where the world around us becomes too much. I would like to say I try to face the world head on but sadly I cant I hide in my house leave when I have to and well become a recluse in my own world. I dont know its strange how we all use different things as crutches.

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